Midterm individual presentation
Final group project exhibition
1. Programming and AI Applications
2. Programming (I) : Programming Environment and IO
3. Programming (II) : Sequential Programming
4. Programming (III) : Conditional Programming
5. Programming (IV) : Iterative Programming
6. Programming (V) : Dynamic Data Structure
7. Programming (VI) : File Processing
8. Introduction to Techniques and Models in AI Applications
9. Uninformed Search
10. Informed Search
11. Games Trees and Search
12. Machine Learning
13. Neural Networks
14. Deep Learning
15. Graph Learning
16. Reinforcement Learning
第01週 ●課程介紹/ 聲音合成概論Course Introduction / Introduction to Sound Synthesis

第02週 ●聲音合成的基礎Fundamentals of Sound Synthesis

第03週 ●PureData邏輯單元PureData logic

第04週 ●PureData聲音物件PureData sound object

第05週 ●聲音的調頻與調幅Frequency modulation and amplitude modulation of sound
第06週 ●作業報告(一)Project development
第07週 ●作業報告(二)Project development
第08週 ●聲音檔案操作Sound file manipulation
第09週 ●互動聲音裝置Interactive sound device
第10週 ●聲音與影像Sound and image
第11週 ●沉浸式聲響環境Immersive sound environment
第12週 ●作業報告(一)Project development
第13週 ●作業報告(二)Project development
第14週 ●聲音與空間探討(一)Exploration of sound and space
第15週 ●聲音與空間探討(二)Exploration of sound and space
第16週 ●作品構想報告Project proposal
第17週 ●作品討論與問題Discussion and issues with the work
第18週 ●習作作品展示Showcase of practice works