每週課程進度(Course Weekly Schedule)

第一週:Overview of Metaverse and Techno-Art.
第二週:Group discussion of final project.
第三週:Sharing insights from the artist's creation or performance
第四週:Sharing insights from the artist's creation or performance
第五週:Brainstorming and curating discussion
第六週:Brainstorming and curating discussion
第七週:Proposal discussion of Metaverse curate
第八週:Proposal discussion of Metaverse curate
第九週:Midterm Report
第十週:Issues discussion of Metaverse curate
第十一週:Technical issues discussion of Metaverse curate
第十二週:Technical issues discussion of Metaverse curate
第十三週:Technical issues discussion of Metaverse curate
第十四週:Marketing promotion and branding discussion
第十五週:Marketing promotion and branding discussion
第十六週:Marketing promotion and branding discussion
第十七週:Final project preparation
第十八週:Final project presentation
每週課程進度(Course Weekly Schedule)

第一週:Introduction to Computers
第二週:Digital data representation
第三週:Computer organization
第四週:Operating system
第五週:Computer network
第六週:Internet protocol
第七週:Web application
第八週:Internet security
第九週:Midterm Exam
第十週:Programming language
第十一週:Data structure
第十三週:Software engineering
第十五週:Artificial intelligence
第十七週:Advanced information theory and application topics
第十八週:Final Exam
每週課程進度(Course Weekly Schedule)

第一週:Overview and Applications of VR, AR and MR
第二週:Historical development and current trends in VR and Metaverse
第三週:Introduction to Godot Engine and its capabilities
第四週:Setting up Godot for VR development
第五週:Exploring the Godot editor and scripting basics
第六週:Basics of 3D modeling for VR
第七週:Designing for VR: immersion, presence, and interactivity
第八週:User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design for VR
第九週:Midterm Topics Report
第十週:Designing VR environments and spatial audio
第十一週:Lighting and texturing for VR scenes
第十二週:Input methods and interaction models in VR
第十三週:Designing and scripting interactive objects in Godot
第十四週:Implementing physics and collision detection
第十五週:Integrating motion capture data for realistic movements
第十六週:Networking and multiplayer setup in VR
第十七週:Exploring Godot's visual scripting for rapid prototyping
第十八週:Final Report
每週課程進度(Course Weekly Schedule)

第一週:Introduction of User Interface Design
第二週:Usability of Interactive Systems
第三週:Guidelines, Principles, and Theories
第四週:Managing Design Processes
第五週:Evaluating Interface Designs
第六週:Direct Manipulation and Virtual Environments
第七週:Menu Selection, Form Fillin, and Dialog Boxes
第八週:Command and Natural Languages
第九週:Midterm Topics Report
第十週:Interaction Devices
第十二週:Quality of Service
第十三週:Balancing Function and Fashion
第十四週:User Manuals, Online Help, and Tutorials
第十五週:Information Search and Visualization
第十六週:Designing for the Web
第十七週:The Process of Designing a Product
第十八週:Final Topics Report