- Teacher: 蔡宗德 ted1107
This doctoral coursework focuses on problematizing the term ‘popular’ as it is applied to global forms of established and industrialized forms of folk, classical and ritual forms of performing arts. The term ‘pop’ typifies the exploitation of industrial approaches to revenue generation through systematic selection, promotion and dissemination of musics to consumers for capital gain. However, numerous world music traditions negate such a construction of popular music through their ‘rootedness’ in pre-modern forms of sound, movement and theatrical displays. Students will survey local, regional and transnational popular music traditions that have cultural roots in language, musical instruments, aesthetic systems, melody, tone and rhythm in Africa, Asia, Middle East, Oceania and Southeast Asia.
- Teacher: 胡敏德 made.hood
1 – 02/24 Introduction and course overview
2 - 03/03
Fosier-Lussier, Danielle. 2015. “Introduction: Instruments of Diplomacy”, Music in America’s Cold War Diplomacy. California: University of California Press.
Schmelz, Peter. 2009. “Introduction: Music in the Cold War”, The Journal of Musicology 26(1): 3-16.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Comrades. CNN.
3 - 03/10
Fosier-Lussier, Danielle. 2015. “Classical Music and the Mediation of Prestige”, “Classical Music as Development Aid”, Music in America’s Cold War Diplomacy. California: University of California Press.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Iron Curtain. CNN.
4 - 03/17
Clegg, Mindy L. 2015. “When Jazz was King: Selling Records with the Cold War”, The Journal of American Culture 38(3): 246-254.
Fosier-Lussier, Danielle. 2015. “Jazz in the Cultural Presentation Program”, Music in America’s Cold War Diplomacy. California: University of California Press.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Marshall Plan. CNN.
5 - 03/24
Crist, Stephen A. 2009. “Jazz as Democracy? Dave Brubeck and Cold War Politics.” Journal of Musicology 26: 133–174.
Delvin, Paul. 2015. “Jazz Autobiography and the Cold War”, Popular Music and Society 38(2): 140-159.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Berlin. CNN.
6 - 04/07 Spring Break
7 - 04/14
Fosier-Lussier, Danielle. 2015. “The Double-Edged Diplomacy of Popular Music”, Music in America’s Cold War Diplomacy. California: University of California Press.
Brown, Timothy S. 2009. “Music As a Weapon? Ton Steine Scherben and the Politics of Rock in Cold War Berlin.” German Studies Review 32(1): 1–22.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Korea. CNN.
8 - 04/21
Cohen, Harvey G. 2011. “Vision of Freedom: Duke Ellington in the Soviet Union. “ Popular Music 30, 297-313.
Schmelz, Peter J. 2009. “Alfred Schnittke’s Nagasaki: Soviet Nuclear Culture, Radio Moscow, and the Global Cold War.” Journal of the American Musicological Society 62(2): 413-474.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – The Wall . CNN.
9 - 04/28
Silverberg, Laura. 2009. “Between Dissonance and Dissidence: Socialist Modernism in the German Democratic Republic.” Journal of Musicology 26: 44–84.
Tompkins, David G. 2014. “Against ‘Pop-Song’ Poison from the West: Early Cold War Attempts to Develop a Socialist Popular Music in Poland and the GDR”, in Youth and Rock in the Soviet Bloc: Youth Cultures, Music, and the State in Russia and Eastern Europe, edited by W. J. Risch. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Vietnam. CNN.
10 - 05/05
Gibbs, Jason. 2008. “How Does Hanoi Rock? The Way to Rock and Roll in Vietnam.” Asian Music 39(1): 5-25.
Taylor, Philip. 2000. “Music as A ‘Neocolonial Poison’ in Postwar Southern Vietnam”. Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 99-131
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Make Love Not War. CNN.
11 - 05/12
Fung, Anthony. 2007. “The Emerging (national) Popular Music Culture in China.” Inter‐Asia Cultural Studies, 8(3), 425-437.
Huang, Nicola. 2013. “Listening to Films: Politics of the Auditory in 1970s China.” Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 7(3), 187-206.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – China. CNN.
12 - 05/19
Tōya, Mamoru. 2015. “The Culture of Popular Music in Occupied Japan.” in Made in Japan: Studies in Popular Music, edited by Toru Mitsui, 52-70. New York: Routledge.
Yoshimi, Shunya & David Buist. 2003. “America as Desire and Violence: Americanization in Postwar Japan and Asia during the Cold War.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 4(3), 433-450.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Détente. CNN.
13 - 05/26
Chang, Hyun Kyong Hannah. 2014. “Exilic Suffering: Music, Nation, and Protestantism in Cold War South Korea.” Music and Politics, 8(1).
Shin, Hyunjoon. 2017. “The Stage Show and the Dance Floor: A History of “Live Music” in Korea.” in Made in Korea: Studies in Popular Music, edited by Hyunjoon Shin & Seung-Ah Lee, 15-22. New York: Routledge.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Spies. CNN.
14 - 06/02
Shin, Hyunjoon & Tung‐Hung Ho. 2009. “Translation of ‘America’ during the Early Cold War Period: A Comparative Study on the History of Popular Music in South Korea and Taiwan.” Inter‐Asia Cultural Studies 10(1), 83-102.
Wang, Xiaojue. 2018. “Radio Culture in Cold War Hong Kong.” Interventions 20(8): 1153-1170.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Star Wars. CNN.
15 - 06/09
Chu, Meng Tze. 2019. “Rock and Roll from Rest and Recreation (R&R): The Collective Memory of the Aging Pop-Rock Lovers in Taiwan.” In Made in Taiwan, 105-118, edited by Eva Tsai, Tung-Hung Ho & Miaoju Jian. Routledge.
Yang, Tsu-Chuen. 2017. “Revisiting the Social Milieu Preceding the Emergence of the Singer-Songwriters’ Cultural Movement Among 1970s’ Taiwanese College Students.” Communication, Culture & Politics 6: 1-85.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – The Wall Comes Down. CNN.
16 - 06/16 Oral presentation of final report
17 - 06/23 submission of final research pape
2 - 03/03
Fosier-Lussier, Danielle. 2015. “Introduction: Instruments of Diplomacy”, Music in America’s Cold War Diplomacy. California: University of California Press.
Schmelz, Peter. 2009. “Introduction: Music in the Cold War”, The Journal of Musicology 26(1): 3-16.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Comrades. CNN.
3 - 03/10
Fosier-Lussier, Danielle. 2015. “Classical Music and the Mediation of Prestige”, “Classical Music as Development Aid”, Music in America’s Cold War Diplomacy. California: University of California Press.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Iron Curtain. CNN.
4 - 03/17
Clegg, Mindy L. 2015. “When Jazz was King: Selling Records with the Cold War”, The Journal of American Culture 38(3): 246-254.
Fosier-Lussier, Danielle. 2015. “Jazz in the Cultural Presentation Program”, Music in America’s Cold War Diplomacy. California: University of California Press.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Marshall Plan. CNN.
5 - 03/24
Crist, Stephen A. 2009. “Jazz as Democracy? Dave Brubeck and Cold War Politics.” Journal of Musicology 26: 133–174.
Delvin, Paul. 2015. “Jazz Autobiography and the Cold War”, Popular Music and Society 38(2): 140-159.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Berlin. CNN.
6 - 04/07 Spring Break
7 - 04/14
Fosier-Lussier, Danielle. 2015. “The Double-Edged Diplomacy of Popular Music”, Music in America’s Cold War Diplomacy. California: University of California Press.
Brown, Timothy S. 2009. “Music As a Weapon? Ton Steine Scherben and the Politics of Rock in Cold War Berlin.” German Studies Review 32(1): 1–22.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Korea. CNN.
8 - 04/21
Cohen, Harvey G. 2011. “Vision of Freedom: Duke Ellington in the Soviet Union. “ Popular Music 30, 297-313.
Schmelz, Peter J. 2009. “Alfred Schnittke’s Nagasaki: Soviet Nuclear Culture, Radio Moscow, and the Global Cold War.” Journal of the American Musicological Society 62(2): 413-474.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – The Wall . CNN.
9 - 04/28
Silverberg, Laura. 2009. “Between Dissonance and Dissidence: Socialist Modernism in the German Democratic Republic.” Journal of Musicology 26: 44–84.
Tompkins, David G. 2014. “Against ‘Pop-Song’ Poison from the West: Early Cold War Attempts to Develop a Socialist Popular Music in Poland and the GDR”, in Youth and Rock in the Soviet Bloc: Youth Cultures, Music, and the State in Russia and Eastern Europe, edited by W. J. Risch. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Vietnam. CNN.
10 - 05/05
Gibbs, Jason. 2008. “How Does Hanoi Rock? The Way to Rock and Roll in Vietnam.” Asian Music 39(1): 5-25.
Taylor, Philip. 2000. “Music as A ‘Neocolonial Poison’ in Postwar Southern Vietnam”. Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 99-131
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Make Love Not War. CNN.
11 - 05/12
Fung, Anthony. 2007. “The Emerging (national) Popular Music Culture in China.” Inter‐Asia Cultural Studies, 8(3), 425-437.
Huang, Nicola. 2013. “Listening to Films: Politics of the Auditory in 1970s China.” Journal of Chinese Cinemas, 7(3), 187-206.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – China. CNN.
12 - 05/19
Tōya, Mamoru. 2015. “The Culture of Popular Music in Occupied Japan.” in Made in Japan: Studies in Popular Music, edited by Toru Mitsui, 52-70. New York: Routledge.
Yoshimi, Shunya & David Buist. 2003. “America as Desire and Violence: Americanization in Postwar Japan and Asia during the Cold War.” Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 4(3), 433-450.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Détente. CNN.
13 - 05/26
Chang, Hyun Kyong Hannah. 2014. “Exilic Suffering: Music, Nation, and Protestantism in Cold War South Korea.” Music and Politics, 8(1).
Shin, Hyunjoon. 2017. “The Stage Show and the Dance Floor: A History of “Live Music” in Korea.” in Made in Korea: Studies in Popular Music, edited by Hyunjoon Shin & Seung-Ah Lee, 15-22. New York: Routledge.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Spies. CNN.
14 - 06/02
Shin, Hyunjoon & Tung‐Hung Ho. 2009. “Translation of ‘America’ during the Early Cold War Period: A Comparative Study on the History of Popular Music in South Korea and Taiwan.” Inter‐Asia Cultural Studies 10(1), 83-102.
Wang, Xiaojue. 2018. “Radio Culture in Cold War Hong Kong.” Interventions 20(8): 1153-1170.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – Star Wars. CNN.
15 - 06/09
Chu, Meng Tze. 2019. “Rock and Roll from Rest and Recreation (R&R): The Collective Memory of the Aging Pop-Rock Lovers in Taiwan.” In Made in Taiwan, 105-118, edited by Eva Tsai, Tung-Hung Ho & Miaoju Jian. Routledge.
Yang, Tsu-Chuen. 2017. “Revisiting the Social Milieu Preceding the Emergence of the Singer-Songwriters’ Cultural Movement Among 1970s’ Taiwanese College Students.” Communication, Culture & Politics 6: 1-85.
Mitchell, Pat & Jeremy Isaacs. 1998. Cold Wars – The Wall Comes Down. CNN.
16 - 06/16 Oral presentation of final report
17 - 06/23 submission of final research pape
- Teacher: 朱夢慈 chumengtze
- Teacher: 林經堯 jinyao.lin
第1 週 AI與數字⼈的概述
第2 週 數字⼈設計基礎
第3 週 ⽣成式AI技術概論
第4 週 ⾃然語⾔處理(NLP)基礎
第5 週 計算機視覺技術
第6 週 動畫製作基礎
第7 週 數字⼈的互動設計
第8 週 機器學習基礎
第9 週 數字⼈在教育領域的應⽤
第10 週 數字⼈在⾳樂領域的應⽤
第11 週 數字⼈在娛樂領域的應⽤
第12 週 項⽬實作:設計⾃⼰的AI數字⼈(1)
第13 週 項⽬實作:設計⾃⼰的AI數字⼈(2)
第14 週 項⽬實作:開發與測試(1)
第16 週 項⽬實作:開發與測試(2)
第17 週 項⽬實作:優化與改進(1)
第18 週 項⽬實作:優化與改進(2)
第2 週 數字⼈設計基礎
第3 週 ⽣成式AI技術概論
第4 週 ⾃然語⾔處理(NLP)基礎
第5 週 計算機視覺技術
第6 週 動畫製作基礎
第7 週 數字⼈的互動設計
第8 週 機器學習基礎
第9 週 數字⼈在教育領域的應⽤
第10 週 數字⼈在⾳樂領域的應⽤
第11 週 數字⼈在娛樂領域的應⽤
第12 週 項⽬實作:設計⾃⼰的AI數字⼈(1)
第13 週 項⽬實作:設計⾃⼰的AI數字⼈(2)
第14 週 項⽬實作:開發與測試(1)
第16 週 項⽬實作:開發與測試(2)
第17 週 項⽬實作:優化與改進(1)
第18 週 項⽬實作:優化與改進(2)
- Teacher: 黃俊堯 yorkhuang
1. Algorithm and Machine Learning
2. Greedy Algorithm
3. Divide and Conquer
4. Dynamic Programming
5. Branch and Bound
6. Simulated Annealing
7. Genetic Algorithm
8. Model and Learning
9. Regression and Classification
10. Supervised Learning
11. Unsupervised Learning
12. Decision Trees and Search
13. Clustering: KNN and K-Means
14. Support Vector Machine (SVM)
15. Regression Analysis
16. Reinforcement Learning
2. Greedy Algorithm
3. Divide and Conquer
4. Dynamic Programming
5. Branch and Bound
6. Simulated Annealing
7. Genetic Algorithm
8. Model and Learning
9. Regression and Classification
10. Supervised Learning
11. Unsupervised Learning
12. Decision Trees and Search
13. Clustering: KNN and K-Means
14. Support Vector Machine (SVM)
15. Regression Analysis
16. Reinforcement Learning
- Teacher: 顏金泰 jtyan