1-12週 脈絡的閱讀及整理,完成論述提綱。
Week 1-12 To organise art contexts materials and readings, in order to produce Thesis abstract outline.
1-8 週 創作的形式探討 Week 1-8 To discuss methodology towards art-making.
1-12週 技法的掌握與完成度 Week 1-12. To acquire technical knowledge and to ascertain final finishes.
1-16週 材料選擇和製程。 Week 1-16 To explore materials and making methods.
16-18週 作品呈現與空間對話的可能性練習。Week 16-18 To practice on actual exhibiting of artworks, and gain understanding and dialogue of spatial context with artworks.
Week 1-12 To organise art contexts materials and readings, in order to produce Thesis abstract outline.
1-8 週 創作的形式探討 Week 1-8 To discuss methodology towards art-making.
1-12週 技法的掌握與完成度 Week 1-12. To acquire technical knowledge and to ascertain final finishes.
1-16週 材料選擇和製程。 Week 1-16 To explore materials and making methods.
16-18週 作品呈現與空間對話的可能性練習。Week 16-18 To practice on actual exhibiting of artworks, and gain understanding and dialogue of spatial context with artworks.
- 教師: wupsun 吳佩珊