This course aims to prepare students with abundant vocabulary and correct sentence structures in learning English. Based on the various articles from the textbook, students are expected to learn not only new words, phrases and usage of English but also more information in different fields such as cultures, health, social issues, psychology… etc.
In addition to formal lecturing, students are encouraged to prepare in advance so that they can have a general idea about what will be discussed in class. Their active participation will be highly appreciated. It is hoped that students can be engaged in using English to discuss things actively. In order to successfully motivate students to be active learners, they will be suggested to work in pairs or groups so that they can become more confident and comfortable to speak in English in class.


David Wang



The objects of this course are: 

1. Help students enhance their reading and writing abilities. 

2. Help students build up practical and effective learning methods so as to strengthen their self-study ability for future studying.


週次 課程內容

第一週 (輔助教學)Introduction:請同學登錄本校e-Learning網站(參與課程說明。

第二週 U6 Lesson B: Sleep (Vocabulary, Listening)

第三週 U6 (Reading, Grammar)

第四週 U7 Lesson B: Big Cities (Vocabulary, Listening)

第五週 U7 (Reading, Grammar)

第六週 U8 Lesson B: Personality (Vocabulary, Listening)

第七週 U8 (Reading, Grammar)

第八週 Midterm Exam (U6-8)

第九週 Midterm Exam Review & U9 Lesson B:Goals (Vocabulary, Listening)

第十週 U9 (Reading, Grammar)

第十一週 U10 Lesson B: Stress (Vocabulary, Listening)

第十二週 U10 (Reading, Grammar)

第十三週 U11 Lesson B: Risk (Vocabulary, Listening)

第十四週 U11 (Reading, Grammar)

第十五週 U12 Lesson B: Movie Reviews (Vocabulary, Listening)

第十六週 U12 (Reading, Grammar)

第十七週 Review

第十八週 Final (U9-12)



Douglas, Nancy & James R. Morgan (2016) World Link Level 1: Developing English Fluency, 3rd Edition. National Geographic Learning, a part of Cengage Learning.


Attendance: 10%  

Participation: 10%  

Homework & Exercises: 15%  

Quizzes: 15%  

Midterm Exam: 25%  

Final: 25%




