週次 課程內容
第一週 Course Intro
第二週 Mechanics of deterioration (ethics, overview of agents)
第三週 Light and radiation (theory)
第四週 Light and radiation (practice)
第五週 Temperature and relative humidity (RH%) (theory)
第六週 Monitoring temperature and relative humidity (RH%)
第七週 HVAC systems, climate control concepts
第八週 Silica gel, saturated salts, microclimate intro
第九週 Mid-term exam
第十週 Pollutants in the museum environment
第十一週 Pollution control methods, scavengers
第十二週 Oddy testing, introduction
第十三週 Oddy testing workshop
第十四週 Physical threats, storage and display
第十五週 Packing and moving collections
第十六週 Integrated Pest Management and Mold, introduction
第十七週 Final exam
第十八週 Course review