第一週 Introduction: The legacy of the French Revolution-from Rococo to Neoclassicism
第二週 Painter of The Revolution: Jacques L.David,1748-1825)
第三週 Three disciples of David whose surnames begin with G: Ch. Giradet, Fr.Granet, A.-J.Gros
第四週 Neoclassical master:A.Ingres
第五週 The Romanticism:E. Delacroix, Th.Gericault
第六週 Imaginary exotic : the origins of Orientalism
第七週 Critical of class distinctions:H.Daumier
第八週 I don’t paint angels: A Realism G.Courbet
第九週 Mid-term written test
第十週 Landscape as a Painting Genre: C.Corot
第十一週 Fr.Millet and the Barbizon School
第十二週 Conduct off-campus teaching (in case of):The Chimei Museum
第十三週 Official Salon and the era of international fairs in the Second Empire
第十四週 Baudelaire, modernity and Metropolitan
第十五週 Salon of 1865, Challenge of Olympia: Ed.Manet
第十六週 Woman artists in the cracks of the times: Camille Claudel
第十七週 Oral presentation of Term paper (10 mins/student)
第十八週 Term Paper Upload