2.Towards a Third Cinema Ⅰ
Solanas, F. & O. Getino. 1976. "Towards a Third Cinema". Pp 44-64 in Movies and Methods: An Anthology, edited by Bill Nichols. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Hour of the Furnaces (1968, Fernando Solanas)
3.Towards a Third Cinema Ⅱ
Getino, O.. 1979. “Some Oberservations on the Concept of a ‘Third Cinema’”. In Argentine Cinema, edited by Tim Barnard.
Hour of the Furnaces (1968, Fernando Solanas)
4.The Battle of Chile I
“Filmmakers and the Popular Government: A Political Manifesto”. In Third Cinema in the Third World, The Aesthetics of Liberation, edited by Teshome H. Gabriel.
The Battle of Chile (1976, Patricio Guzmán)
5.The Battle of Chile: memory I
Patricia Aufderheide and Patricio Guzmán. 2002. The Importance of Historical Memory: An Interview with Patricio Guzmán.
Chile: the obstinate memory (1997, Patricio Guzmán)
6.The Battle of Chile: memory II
Nilo Couret. 2011. Scale as Nostalgic Form: Patricio Guzmán's Nostalgia for the Light.
Chile Trilogy (2010-2019)
7.The Battle of Chile: memory III
Chile Trilogy (2010-2019)
8.Imperfect Cinema Ⅰ
Espinosa, Julio Garcia. 1979. “For an Imperfect Cinema”. Jump Cut, No.20.
Memories of Underdevelopment (1968, Tomás Gutiérrez Alea)
9.Imperfect Cinema Ⅱ
Espinosa, Julio Garcia. 1985. “Meditation on Imperfect Cinema……Fifteen Years Later”. Screen, May-August, Vol.26, No.3/4.
Lucia (1968, Humberto Solas)
10.Aesthetic of Imperfection I
Dixon, Deborah. 2005. Confronting the Geopolitical Aesthetic: Fredric Jameson, The Perfumed Nightmare and the Perilous Place of Third Cinema.
Perfumed Nightmare (1977, Kidlat Tahimik)
Memories of Overdevelopment (1984, Kidalt Tahimik)
11.Aesthetic of Imperfection II
Pavsek, Christopher. 2013. Kidlat Tahimik “Third World Project”, pp. 78-149, in The Utopia of Film: Cinema and its Futures in Gadard, Klug, and Tahimik. New York: Columbia University Press.
Japanese Summer of a Filipino Fundoshi (1996)
12. Esthetic of Hunger
Rocha, Glauber. “An Esthetic of Hunger”. Brazilian Cinema.
De Andrade, Joaquim Pedro. “Cannibalism and Self-Cannibalism”. Brazilian Cinema.
Black God, White Devil (1964, Glauber Rocha)
Hondo, Med. “What is Cinema for Us?”. Jump Cut, No.31.
Soleil O (1970, Med Hondo)
Sembene, Ousamane. “Film and Social Change”. In Third Cinema in the Third World, The Aesthetics of Liberation, edited by Teshome H. Gabriel.
Black Girl (1966, Ousamane Sembene)